Matrix database house-cleaning

Fat Matrix

Matrix is an open specification for a decentralised and secure instant communication network, led by, which also develops the matrix Synapse server. Nomagic has its own instance of Matrix (for about 18 months at the time of this writing). We have been quite happy with it overall, as new milestones enabled a much-needed simplification of session and contact verifications for encrypted rooms.

However, I have also been a bit worried about the speed at which the Matrix PostGreSQL database can increase within a few weeks. It’s a problem for general performances and also impacts backups / recovery time.

Triming it down

Spending some time on Matrix Github issues raising this as well as wiki documentation, I ended up on this great article (a copy is available here).

I eventually put together all the different steps which do not require to stop or restart the database into a script, available below.

Note: synapse-compress-state must be compiled (preferrably on a local, same-distribution machine) and available on your Matrix-synapse server as per levan’s article:

You’ll need to clone it and compile it (it’s a rust program, just cargo build --release it and copy the resulting binary on your server.

Save the following under /usr/local/sbin/ with appropriate 700 permission:


# There are mostly three reasons the synapse database tends to get large over time:
#  - Stuff that no longer needs to be kept around and should be deleted
#  - Synapse is extremely cache-happy, and this takes a lot of space
#  - Table bloat & Index bloat in PostgreSQL
# See also:

# Exit on first failure
set -e

# Adjust as needed to your own setup

SUJET="Matrix server cleanup - $(hostname -f)";

# Ensure dirs exist
[[ -d $(dirname ${LOGFILE}) ]] || mkdir -p $(dirname ${LOGFILE})
[[ -d ${WORKDIR} ]] || mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}

jnl() {
    echo "$(date +%c) : $1" | tee -a ${LOGFILE}

two_months_ago() {
    timestamp=$(date +"%s" -d '2 months ago')
    echo "${timestamp}"

notify() {
   jnl "End of programme."
   cat $LOGFILE | mail -s "${SUJET} : ${RESULTAT}" ${POSTMASTER}
   [ "${RESULTAT}" = "OK" ] && exit 0 || exit 1

#      Main

# pre-cleanup
jnl "Remove temporary files..."
rm -f /opt/synapse-compress/*.sql
rm -f /root/matrix_cleanup/*.txt

jnl "Dumping current status on Database"

biggestTables=$(echo "SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS \"relation\", pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "total_size" FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace) WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND C.relkind <> 'i' AND nspname !~ '^pg_toast' ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) DESC LIMIT 20;" | psql -h ${PGHOST} -d ${PGDB} -U ${PGUSER})

jnl "${biggestTables}"

# Removing empty rooms
jnl "Getting empty rooms..."

curl -H "HOST: ${FQDN}" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" '' | jq '.rooms[] | select(.joined_local_members == 0) | .room_id' > ${WORKDIR}/to_purge.txt

jnl < ${WORKDIR}/to_purge.txt

while read room_id; do 
    jnl "purging room ${room_id}..."
    curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"room_id\": $room_id }" -H "HOST: ${FQDN}" ''
     sleep 0.5
done < ${WORKDIR}/to_purge.txt

jnl "Deleting history of more than 2 months in large rooms"

curl -H "HOST: ${FQDN}" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" '' | jq '.rooms[] | select(.state_events > 100) | .room_id' | sed 's/\"//g' > ${WORKDIR}/history_to_purge.txt

if [[ -s ${WORKDIR}/history_to_purge.txt ]]; then

    while read room_id; do 
        jnl "purging history for ${room_id}..."
        curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"delete_local_events\": false, \"purge_up_to_ts\": ${dateUntil} }" -H "HOST: ${FQDN}" "$room_id"
        sleep 0.5
    done < ${WORKDIR}/history_to_purge.txt 

jnl "Optimizing synapse cache for rooms with more than 100 000 state changes"
# Get the list of rooms with more than 99 999 state groups events

jnl "Gathering list"
psql -h ${PGHOST} -d ${PGDB} -U ${PGUSER} -t -c "SELECT room_id, count(*) AS count FROM state_groups_state GROUP BY room_id HAVING count(*) > 99999 ORDER BY count DESC;" | sed -r 's/\s//g' | egrep -v '^$' > ${WORKDIR}/to_compress.txt

jnl "Prepare compression files state-compressor"
while read room_id; do 
    # Could we remove the password / is it using .pgpass?
    /usr/local/bin/synapse-compress-state -t -o /opt/synapse-compress/state-compressor_${cpt}.sql -p "host=${PGHOST} user=${PGUSER} password=${PGPASSWORD} dbname=${PGDB}" -r "$room_id"
    sleep 0.5
done < ${WORKDIR}/to_compress.txt

jnl "Running the compressions..."
for file in `ls /opt/synapse-compress/state-compressor*.sql`; do 
    jnl "Compressing ${file}"
    psql -h ${PGHOST} -d ${PGDB} -U ${PGUSER} < ${file}
    sleep 0.5

# If needed, or to do once in a while 
# VACUUM FULL VERBOSE state_groups_state;


exit 0

4 Replies to “Matrix database house-cleaning”

  1. This is great! I would like to set up a script to clean one particular room, I use the following syntax:

    curl –header “Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN” -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d “{ \”delete_local_events\”: false, \”purge_up_to_ts\”: ${dateUntil} }” -H “HOST: ${FQDN}” “$ROOM_ID”

    However,I do get an error ‘there is not event to be purged. Any idea how to fix it?

    1. Yes, I guess it’s the last update in the DB:

      psql -h ${PGHOST} -d ${PGDB} -U ${PGUSER} < ${file}

      I am using a ~/.pgpass file which has the password in it. It's missing in the blog post, but you can do without it by exporting the PGPASSWORD variable. I've updated the script, thanks.

      → basically, you need to export PGPASSWORD="XXXXXXXX"

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